Inga, please introduce yourself:

Hi, I’m Inga Krumme, a trained architect and the co-founder of relay. I live and work in Berlin.


Julius and I looking at art © private 


#1 Your work is very multilayered and deviates from the classical work as an architect, although you have attended a very classical education. On the one hand you are co-founder of relay, you write, curate, you also work for BUREAU N on their various architecture projects, such as the communication of the german pavilion at this year’s architecture biennale.. And that's just part of what you do. How did this versatility develop?

Architecture was never just about building houses for me. I see it rather as a profession at the intersection of many things: politics, design, engineering, art. And there’s plenty of ways to “do architecture”, too. There are many ways to be an architect, and I’ve tried some of them out.


#2 What project(s) are you focusing on right now?

In my freelance work, I am currently collaborating with some designers, photographers, artists—a lot of them friends. The most important project right now is a show that I am curating together with my friend (and boxing trainer) Julius Bobke. It’s a group show (mainly painting and sculpture) set in a former car workshop in Kreuzberg (opening 10th of November, save the date).


#3 You have a large network of creative friends and acquaintances with whom you also collaborate on projects. What fascinates you about interdisciplinary work?


I am interested in so many things and have never been able to focus on just one project at a time.

I’ve always known that I prefer not to work alone—I love collaborating, and I love learning about what other people do.

A lot of those things I would never be able to accomplish on my own, it’s just so much better together.


© Julius Bobke, The Ballad of Mystic Mac: I‘m not surprised motherfuckers, acrylic, digital print, oil, plasticine on canvas, 30 x 31 cm, 2022 


#4 What is your favorite aspect of your job?

Variety and speed. And the people.


#5 On your website you say: “I take photos, I interview, curate, write, and occasionally draw a plan.” What kind of project would you like to do that you haven't done yet?

Maybe design a silly piece of cutlery.


#6 Are you more of a thinker or a doer?

An overthinker yet a doer.


#7 How do you see your role as an architect in today’s society?


In one of my projects my partner Anna and I try to tackle what annoyed us most when we were still studying architecture, which is a thing onecan easily scale up since it’s a universal problem: the lack of women or FLINTA* in lead positions. Architecture—like many others— is a profession dominated by men. With relay we try to shine a spotlight on the womxn architects and showcase role models in the field of architecture and design. We invite talented womxn to present
 the work of other talented womxn— their own role models— alongside their own projects, inspirations and references: a chain reaction of sustainable empowerment.


Image 01: The changing rooms at Prinzenbad © Inga Krumme , Image 02: The light in my flat © Inga Krumme 


#8 How does your environment influence your work?



#9 Three things that inspire you at the moment:

Women, the house that I live in, and the changing rooms of Prinzenbad.


#10 What are you currently reading, watching and listening to?

I read „Figuring“ by Maria Popova, a book that dear friend gave to me in lockdown, it’s about love. On the first page, he wrote a little note saying “Alles wird gut“ (everything will be fine).
I have been studying Turkish for a few months now, so I try to listen to a lot of Turkish songs, preferably by Gaye Su Akyol and Altin Gün.


My favourite photo from the series temps à part en détail, Berlin © Schnepp Renou



Instagram: @warmgray8



Photo Credits: © Inga Krumme, © Julius Bobke, © Schnepp Renou, Interview Caroline Steffen


Studio z00


Klemens Schillinger