Anastasia, please introduce yourself:

I’m Anastasia Sukhoroslova, entrepreneur, consultant, city enthusiast and art admirer. As CEO and Founder of a global career platform All Things Urban and a strategic PR expert, I have a diverse experience: from working with architects and internationally recognized projects at La Biennale di Venezia to supporting non-profits, think-tanks, and creative agencies across the world. Based in Berlin, I work and expand the All Things Urban community internationally.


Photo: © Anastasia Sukhoroslova


 #1 In 2018 you founded the online community "All Things Urban". Can you introduce us to the community and its goals?

All Things Urban is the largest community-based career platform for urban professionals worldwide. We connect more than 65.000 city innovators to the best career opportunities to solve global urban challenges.

By promoting handpicked jobs, events and education programs, we make it easier for talented individuals to find interesting projects and like-minded people and for organisations - to access an active community of potential employees, students, event attendees or collaborators.


#2 What was your motivation behind founding “All Things Urban”?

All Things Urban emerged from personal attempts to find exciting work opportunities related to cities without necessarily having a degree in Architecture or Urban Planning. Neither my project partners nor I had a degree in this field, but we were eager to work within the city realm, change the built environment around us for the better and do it in different spots across the world. 

At that moment there was no place online that could navigate you through the changing and diverse landscape of urban jobs and degrees. All Things Urban started as a blog showing open positions at the intersection of different fields: architecture, urban planning and design, urban mobility, tech, innovation, sustainability, and over time grew into a global platform, an active community and…my full-time passion project and a daily job that I was so much looking for!


#3 What do you consider to be the most rewarding thing you have achieved with your online community so far?


I love the power of serendipity and a decisive role of small but transformative moments and encounters in life. So the most rewarding part of my work is to see thousands of people worldwide making courageous career moves, starting new projects and building meaningful connections with each other thanks to the opportunities or ideas we share on our platform, career blog or at our community events.


Photo: © Anastasia Sukhoroslova


#4 What does “Urbanism” mean to you?

There is a never-ending debate in our field about the exact meaning of “Urbanism”. The field of work itself is constantly changing and so does the meaning of this term to me. At this moment, I see “Urbanism” as a constellation of all the professional activities aimed at changing and developing the build, social and natural environments within our cities in a balanced and sustainable way.


#5 You currently live in Berlin. Where do you see the biggest opportunities regarding urbanism in the city?

In my opinion, Berlin has a high potential in urban projects related to sustainability and nature-based solutions, community engagement and urban tech and mobility. There are more and more companies, city initiatives and grants appearing in Berlin that give opportunities to individuals, startups and collective projects working on different kinds of city innovation and transformation. All Things Urban, for example, is now part of The Future City Accelerator run by Berlin Innovation Agency and funded by European Social Fund (ESF) and the State of Berlin, which helps us grow not only globally but also in the city where we are based. 

 Finally yet importantly, Berlin is still one of the best cities in Europe to find English-speaking opportunities and get unique experience at many renowned architecture or urban design offices while being surrounded by international talent.


#6 What project are you currently working on and what is challenging about it?

At All Things Urban, we are currently working on new formats of community engagement. We are experimenting with in-person and online networking and education events to help professionals navigate through the career market faster and easier. With so many topics and formats available, sometimes it’s challenging to identify the one that will be valuable for most community members without leaving anyone behind. But we are doing our best by testing as many ideas as possible, asking for feedback in our newsletter and social media, and collaborating with leading companies and education institutions, like the IE School of Architecture and Design or EIT Urban Mobility Academy supported by the European Union.


Photo: © Anastasia Sukhoroslova


#7 You also collaborate with architects in the course of your work. How do you see the role of the architect in today's society?

Based on my experience, it’s getting more and more crucial for architects to be open to collaboration with other city practitioners and help the society to (literally) build the best ideas and innovative solutions in real life. Also, in my opinion, architects with their creative talent are the ones who bring beauty and harmony to the built environment. While being at the intersection of aesthetic and practical needs of the society, architecture is changing not only the appearance of the city but also the way we experience it, and, from my point of view, this is something that makes the work of architects so special and meaningful.


#8 How does the environment affect your work?

It’s critical for me to be surrounded by a diverse, creative and changing environment and ambitious, inspiring and result-oriented people. This helps to come up with new brave ideas, keep being motivated and constantly build up my expertise and skill set, which in the end allows me to grow All Things Urban further and support others in advancing professionally as well.


#9 Three things that inspire you at the moment.

gastronomy, serenity of untouched nature, artworks by William Eggleston and other pioneers of colour photography.


#10 What are you currently reading, watching and listening to?

read: ‘1913: The Year before the Storm’ by Florian Illies

watch: Chef’s Table documentary series

listen to: Studio Ghibli Soundtracks, Christian Löffler, the classics from the 1950s/early 1960s.


William Eggleston, Untitled, c. 1970-1973 © Eggleston Artistic Trust . Courtesy Eggleston Artistic Trust and David Zwirner



Instagram: @allthingsurban


Photo Credits: © Anastasia Sukhoroslova, Interview Caroline Steffen


Natalia Torbiarczyk


Selina Redeker